About Tasha

Tasha has always believed that small, contagious acts of generosity can transform the world for the better. Her belief echoes Edward Lorenz’s “Butterfly Effect” theory –that even the softest flutter of a wing can affect the molecules around it, setting off a chain reaction that amplifies into major change. 

The Full Story

Tasha Wahl is an artist, author,  philanthropist, and entrepreneur whose unique vision at the intersection of these fields inspired her to create The Butterfly Effect in 2013. This interactive philanthropic movement embodies Gandhi’s belief that we must be the change we want to see in the world.

Tasha has always believed that small, contagious acts of generosity can transform the world. Her belief echoes Edward Lorenz’s “Butterfly Effect” theory, which suggests that even the softest flutter of a wing can set off a chain reaction, leading to significant change. This notion of sparking a chain reaction for good, symbolized by the butterfly, deeply resonated with Tasha. When she tested the concept on a group of her children’s friends, asking them “What lights you up? What breaks your heart?” and saw the ensuing excited conversation about giving, she realized she had found a new way to make philanthropy social, personal, and fun.

Through interactive public art and social media, The Butterfly Effect revolutionizes philanthropy with its two central programs: Social Butterfly Installations and Butterfly Drops. Tasha’s life-sized interactive Social Butterfly installations have been photographed around the world, including in New York, Chicago, Boston, Phoenix, Nashville, Minnesota, Washington DC, Europe, and Mexico. Butterfly Drops involve a Butterfly Effect participant “dropping” and hiding a decorated wooden butterfly in a public location. The finder then names a charity to receive a contribution. Both initiatives leverage the power of social media to inspire others and create a broader dialogue on giving.

Social Butterflies and Butterfly Drops have driven significant positive change, both in terms of individual empowerment and large-scale impact. For example, in 2016, the American Cancer Society partnered with The Butterfly Effect to drop 5,000 decorated butterflies as part of its Relay for Life events. These butterflies became part of a large-scale installation at the Mall of America, celebrating the stories of cancer survivors and their caregivers.

Tasha lives in San Diego with Erik, her husband of 30 years. They have three wonderful boys: Krystian, Julian, and Harle

The Butterfly Effect Keynote
What ignites your passion? What deeply moves you?

Every one of us has a unique contribution to make in the world—be it in our community, home, workplace, or beyond. Have you ever felt a desire to spark change but weren’t sure where to begin? In this 60-minute keynote, artist and entrepreneur Tasha Wahl shares her blueprint for launching her micro-philanthropy movement, The Butterfly Effect.

Tasha delves into the significance of giving back 10%, guiding audiences to identify causes that resonate with them, and demonstrating how even the smallest acts of generosity can create significant impacts. Inspired by Edward Lorenz’s idea that the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can initiate far-reaching effects, The Butterfly Effect integrates art, compassion, and social media to transform lives, communities, and the world.

Tasha’s butterfly artworks are displayed globally in corporate offices, hospitals, hotels, and community centers, where they inspire viewers and help raise funds for charity.