
We want to feel safe in our skin

WE WANT TO FEEL SAFE IN OUR SKIN #juneteenth celebrating my inspiring friend @lewiswinonawinonaluvI met Winona through the Remarkable Women’s Journey and have been encouraged and moved by her voice for 4 years now.  Sharing In honor of Black lives matter, Winona Lewis poetry and portrait as Flower Child, and 

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Its been my experience that  with really hard things I don’t truly change until the pain level gets high enough that I have to do something about it. When something becomes broken beyond repair – its unmanageable, too much to bear. As i experience what is happening in our country

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Stages of relationships

There are at least half a dozen times in any good long term relationship when the relationship  is over. Relationships like the rest of life have stages. At the end of one stage that part of the relationship is over and you move to the next. A relationship  is something

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A member of our butterfly tribe

If you’ve heard me speak about Butterfly Effect, you’ll know the name Nicole Bianchi @nicole.m.bianchi  and the story of the purple butterfly that was a transformative moment in our movement. Fast forward 6 years later and Nicole has become a friend as well as one of our most active butterfly ambassadors.

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Family is where our story begins

#family By the time we were 29 years old, Erik and I had three boys, all under the age of 5.  At the time, my definition of family was the traditional one of  two parents and their biological kids.  Twenty years later my definition and our numbers  have grown. Erik

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Sobering converstaions

I had a sobering conversation at the dinner table last night with @samthamann . We talked about George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Trayvon Martin.  The words that come to me are heartbreaking, unthinkable, infuriating, scary. Part of why our conversation was sobering for me was that we talked about the

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Shining from the inside out

You know when you have those days where you look in the mirror and you don’t recognize the woman looking back at you? I’d love to say it’s just aging that I’m struggling with, but I’ve had a life long struggle with my self worth being based on my outward

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My butterfly effect

Family book club. Our family is reading together these days, sometimes in pairs or threes and sometimes as a whole. One of the most profound books all of us have read this year is Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth. One of the concepts he explores are the three modalities of

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To the graduates of 2020

To the graduates of 2020: I love celebrations. I love moments in time that mark momentous occasions. Its how we remember the chapters of our lives. Graduation is one of the biggies. Its marks the successful end of one season and the threshold of a new and exciting season to

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Reset and Remap

#reset and #remap I was on a call with some colleagues last week and we were discussing the changes in life and work in the time of Covid-19. The idea came up that instead of looking at this time as a pause in work and life, it’s actually an opportunity

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Advice from frozen II

Some of the best wisdom I’ve received during “shelter in” comes from the the fabulous film…..Frozen II. Our family has been doing movie nights, and we dove head first into  the comical and imaginative  genre of animation. For an animated film to make the cut for our current household of

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Childlike wonder

I am still every age I’ve ever been, and part of every place I’ve ever traveled. I do not want to forget what it’s like to be 7 or 17 or 27 or 37 or 47. I want to remember what is was like to taste ice cream in Switzerland

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Attached to the quiet of sheltering in

As the world begins to open up again, I find myself attached to the quiet of Sheltering In. I’m ready to get back out there, but not at the expense of losing this new consciousness that has awakened. I’ve talked to many people who are expressing the same sentiments, yet

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Can I honor the calling to come home to myself

“We are not here to save the world, we are here to belong to it more fully. “ Anne Stine Ever since I returned from my vision quest I’ve tried to remember these words. Not just remember them but actively live them. For me to belong to the world more

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Believe in the power of love

On my vision quest last summer, our leader Anne Stine taught about the covenant we have with the earth. Anne said “ If everyone takes only what the balance and teach that to the children. We can’t restore what is lost, the momentum is too great, but we can be

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Bearers of light

Last night after dinner I was in a funk. A walk in the canyon at sunset is always excellent medicine. Chloe gets to chase bunnies and have her evening  romp in the magical twilight, and her joy is contagious. I also used my “phoned a friend lifeline” as I was

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What does change mean to you

I was looking back over some of my journal entries from the beginning of shelter in. Things I was hoping and praying for. Things about Covid-19 I thought I understood based on the information I had at the time. Ideas I had about the right way to quarantine and what

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