This underground movement which moves in small and unexpected ways one butterfly at a time moved in a BIG way for me just a little over a year ago when I first learned of The Butterfly Effect.   Just months before as my mom and I would have one of our final conversations she had told me to look for her in butterflies.. purple butterflies as she was losing her battle to cancer.  What I didn’t know was just a few months later a butterfly drop would happen and out of 2500 leaders at this conference I would be the one to find a purple butterfly… YES!   A purple butterfly.    I chose the American Cancer Society for my donation and that day began a path for me to partner with The Butterfly Effect.   Since then my company has done multiple butterfly drops AND I am leading the ACS Butterfly Drop at The Relay for Life(s) in Nebraska.   The impact of that purple butterfly on that special day has left a thumbprint on my heart and a passion in my soul to help fulfill such an incredible mission and to be the change!